Tuesday, February 18, 2014

About Communication

          Communication is an exchange of information among people. Because communication is intentional human activity, it should contain meaningful ideas, thoughts, and messages. Good communication is not unilateral but reciprocal. One-way proclamation or propaganda cannot be regarded as communication because they are one-way traffic.
          In this sense, communication is similar to ping pong. If there is no return, there is no ping pong any more. Like this, we need to consider those who receive our message. For effective communication, the message should be clearly expressed without ambiguity. The message should be consistent throughout the communication as well. Next, we have to think about who they are and what they are interested in. In addition, we’d better estimate the effects and responses of the receivers. 
          I think that this project will allow us to understand other cultures and share comonality and  similarity. Further, I hope that we will see others from their perpective and respect their differences. Now is the time!


  1. I really liked your example of ping pong to describe communication. I cannot agree more that knowing the person you are playing ping pong with is extremely important in communication. The tricky part is, you sometimes do not know who they are in the digitally mediated world. I hope you and your team mates enjoy this journey of exploration how to communicate with the unknown partner. がんばってください!TAむらい

  2. むらいせんせい、ありがとう ございました。We hope you to see our work soon. Thanks.
